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Prestation Growth Hacking

Prestation Growth Hacking

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Né aux États-Unis en 2010, le growth hacking est une technique de marketing digital pour répondre principalement
aux besoins des start-up. Cette technique permet d'optimiser la visibilité des produits et d'augmenter leur croissance. C'est un accélérateur de

growth hacker


Cette technique, utilisée par un growth hacker, nécessite de maîtriser à la fois les techniques de marketing traditionnelles, le marketing digital, le développement, et d'exploiter les nouveaux outils de communication digitale. Dynamique et innovant, le growth hacking exploite les tendances du moment.




Le programme d'un des plus grand Growth Hacker français, formé aux USA par des growth marketers de renommée internationale. (Il est vrai que "growth marketer" est plus politiquement correct que "Growth Hacker") comme par exemple Andy Nelson, Wade TibkeKerry OK, pour booster la croissance de votre startup


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En partenariat avec






seattle mobile growth



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 Clever, Original, Inventive, Mindset focused on Growth, growth, growth and growth!

Success is obvious; Reach your product market fit

We can never growth hack a product that nobody wants, product Market Fit is the key

The "Why" effect

Traction is not growth

 Metrics for Pirates: AARRR!

Acquisition - Activation - Retention - Referral - Revenue

The paid acquisition channels

Time from traction, time for growth

A/B testing is life, 24 hours a day

HLM Hacks LifeCycle Management

The great art of the story telling:


Lie to me320


Challenging the marketing department with growth hacking code & bots (marketers will hate you)

Software engineering technology based products helps growth

Zero day hacks exploits social platforms

What about customer care? I love you

Get them to buy and care, then keep them, jail them

Ask the marketing "guru" with coaching services guaranteed to generate income

Mass mind NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming VAK UX driven "Rasputin-like ability" to make people to buy products

Drive your product marketing campaign like Barack Obama 2008 “Change” marketing campaign

Track everything: you're the king of the metrics

Why effect, focus group, and role playing

From the Minority Report effect to the Inception effect

Never forget ; Data driven is the key


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10 Personality Traits Of A Great Growth Hacker
Courtesy of: Tropical